دو یا چند فایل PDF را در C# با استفاده از API مقایسه اسناد برای .NET مقایسه کنید. تفاوت ها را برجسته کنید و تغییرات را بپذیرید یا رد کنید حتی اگر با رمز عبور محافظت شده باشد....comparer = new Comparer(@"path/protected-document-1.pdf", new LoadOptions(){...})) { comparer.Add(@"path/protected-document-2.pdf", new LoadOptions()...
Allows to override the locale (language) for the WordProcessing document for the East-Asian text, which will be applied during its creation. When i...Property Password Property Protection Property WordProcessingSaveOp...
Lock Watermark in Word on GroupDocs Blog | Document Automation Solutions for .NET & Java Developers Recent content in Lock Watermark in Word on GroupDocs Blog | Document Automation Solutions for .N......also provides the ability to protect/unprotect the Word documents...
Vergelijk twee of meer PDF-bestanden met Java API met document Comparison API. Benadruk de verschillen en accepteer/verwerp wijzigingen, zelfs als ze met een wachtwoord zijn beveiligd....comparer = new Comparer("path/protected-document-ver1.pdf", new L...d")); comparer.add("path/protected-document-ver2.pdf", new L...
Vergelijk twee of meer Word-documenten met Comparison API for .NET. Benadruk verschillen en accepteer/verwerp wijzigingen in C#, zelfs voor met een wachtwoord beveiligde documenten....comparer = new Comparer("path/protected-document-1.docx", new LoadOptions(){...})) { comparer.Add("path/protected-document-2.docx", new LoadOptions()...
Convert Excel document | Documentation,Linux: CSV to Excel, Excel to CSV | .NET Excel API for Linux,Encrypting Excel Files|Documentation,Encrypting Excel...password protect Microsoft Excel files with...2007/2010...encrypt / password protect your excel files with your...
PDF 파일에 암호를 추가하십시오. 무료 온라인 앱을 사용하고 프로그래밍 방식으로 GroupDocs를 사용하여 암호 보호로 PDF 문서를 잠급니다....Save(@"path/protected-document.pdf"); } C#을 사용하여...addPassword(addOptions); merger.save("path/protected-document.pdf"); 자세한 내용은 Java를...