The border-style shorthand CSS property sets the line style for all four sides of an element's border....border-style shorthand CSS property sets the line style for all...Try it Constituent properties This property is a shorthand for...
Represents a LyricsTag field....LyricsField Constructor LyricsField Properties LyricsField Methods LyricsField...of the LyricsField class. Properties Name Description Data Gets...
Represents XMP Text basic type....XmpText Constructor XmpText Properties XmpText Methods XmpText Class...instance of the XmpText class. Properties Name Description RawValue...
Represents XMP global unique identifier....XmpGuid Constructor XmpGuid Properties XmpGuid Methods XmpGuid Class...instance of the XmpGuid class. Properties Name Description RawValue...
Represents a TIFF tag with the Undefined type....Constructor TiffUndefinedTag Properties TiffUndefinedTag Methods...the TiffUndefinedTag class. Properties Name Description Descriptor...
Represents effects that can be applied to an image watermark for an Excel document....Constructor SpreadsheetImageEffe Properties SpreadsheetImageEffe Methods...SpreadsheetImageEffe class. Properties Name Description BorderLineFormat...
Represents effects that can be applied to an image watermark for a Word document....Constructor WordProcessingImageE Properties WordProcessingImageE Methods...WordProcessingImageE class. Properties Name Description BorderLineFormat...
Defines document description Properties....description properties. public interface IDocumentInfo Properties Name...within the archive files. This property is supported only for Archive...