Provides options for rendering CAD drawings....CadOptions Class CadOptions Properties CadOptions Methods CadOptions...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description BackgroundColor...
Represents point annotation Properties...Represents point annotation properties public class PointAnnotation...of PointAnnotation class. Properties Name Description Box { get;...
Represents a base abstract class for document metadata redactions....Constructor MetadataRedaction Properties MetadataRedaction Methods...MetadataFilters as a parameter. Properties Name Description Description...
Represents a single change action info that performed during redaction process....Constructor RedactionDescription Properties RedactionDescription Methods...replacement information. Properties Name Description ActionType...
Provides a template field position which is defined by the rectangular area....Constructor TemplateFixedPositio Properties TemplateFixedPositio Methods...TemplateFixedPositio class. Properties Name Description Rectangle...
Represents possible background watermark in a PowerPoint chart....Class PresentationChartBac Properties PresentationChartBac Methods...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description FormattedTextFragmen...
Represents a redaction that removes a page (slide, worksheet, etc.) from a document....Constructor RemovePageRedaction Properties RemovePageRedaction Methods...RemovePageRedaction class. Properties Name Description Count Gets...
Represents possible watermark in email message body....Class EmailBodyTextPossibl Properties EmailBodyTextPossibl Methods...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description FormattedTextFragmen...
Represents a redaction that replaces annotation text (comments, etc.) matching a given regular expression....Constructor AnnotationRedaction Properties AnnotationRedaction Methods...AnnotationRedaction class. Properties Name Description Description...
Contains Tex document metadata...TexDocumentInfo Class TexDocumentInfo Properties TexDocumentInfo Methods TexDocumentInfo...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description Author Gets...