Represents a readonly collection of DocumentTable./documenttable objects of a particular DocumentTableSet./documenttableset instance....DocumentTableCollect : IEnumerable Properties Name Description Count {...not be modified. However, properties of DocumentTable objects...
Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color....Class Color Constructor Color Properties Color Methods Color Class...instance of the Color class. Properties Name Description Alpha Gets...
Represents arguments for the event of index error occurred....Class IndexErrorEventArgs Properties IndexErrorEventArgs Methods...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description IndexFolder...
Represents arguments for the search phase changing events....Class SearchPhaseEventArgs Properties SearchPhaseEventArgs Methods...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description IndexFolder...
Provides data for OnProgress event of signing, verification and search processes....Constructor ProcessProgressEvent Properties ProcessProgressEvent Methods...ProcessProgressEvent class Properties Name Description Cancel Indicates...
Provides options for the page rotation....Constructor RotateOptions Properties RotateOptions Class Provides...the RotateOptions class. Properties Name Description Mode Gets...
The exception that is thrown when a content cannot be parsed due to unexpected structure....Constructor UnexpectedDocumentSt Properties UnexpectedDocumentSt Methods...UnexpectedDocumentSt class. Properties Name Description Data (Inherited...
Options for conversion to Jpeg file type....JpegOptions Constructor JpegOptions Properties JpegOptions Methods JpegOptions...instance of JpegOptions class. Properties Name Description ColorMode...
Thrown during document load, when the document is corrupted....Constructor CorruptedDocumentExc Properties CorruptedDocumentExc Methods... class with the message. Properties Name Description Data (Inherited...
Thrown during document load, when the document format is not recognized or not supported....Constructor UnsupportedDocumentF Properties UnsupportedDocumentF Methods...UnsupportedDocumentF class. Properties Name Description Data (Inherited...