Contains Pdf Digital signature Properties....Constructor PdfDigitalSignature Properties PdfDigitalSignature Methods...Contains Pdf Digital signature properties. Inheritance Hierarchy System...
Contains options for loading PDF documents into Editor class...Constructor PdfLoadOptions Properties PdfLoadOptions Class Contains...the PdfLoadOptions class Properties Name Description Password...
Represents a container for text fragments with highlighted found terms of one document field....FragmentContainer Class FragmentContainer Properties FragmentContainer Methods...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description Count Gets...
Represents the OCR processing context....OcrContext Class OcrContext Properties OcrContext Methods OcrContext...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description ImageFileExtension...
Information about document's author metadata....Constructor FileAuthorMetadata Properties FileAuthorMetadata Methods...FileAuthorMetadata class. Properties Name Description Author Gets...
Represents the document saving options when saving an email message....Constructor EmailSaveOptions Properties EmailSaveOptions Methods...the EmailSaveOptions class. Properties Name Description Default...
Text files splitting to pages options....TextOptions Constructor TextOptions Properties TextOptions Methods TextOptions...of the TextOptions class Properties Name Description MaxCharsPerRow...
Options for conversion to Spreadsheet file type.... Properties Name Description Format {...should be converted to. (2 properties) virtual Format { get; set;...