Represents arguments for the event that occurs when document protected by a password is indexing....Class PasswordRequiredEven Properties PasswordRequiredEven Methods...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description DocumentFullPath...
Represents a fragment of formatted text in a PowerPoint document....Class PresentationFormatte Properties PresentationFormatte Methods...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description BackgroundColor...
The exception that is thrown when a preview image cannot be generated for the content....Constructor PreviewNotSupportedE Properties PreviewNotSupportedE Methods...PreviewNotSupportedE class. Properties Name Description Data (Inherited...
GroupDocs exception thrown when the file is password protected and password is not provided...Constructor PasswordRequiredExce Properties PasswordRequiredExce Methods...instance with a FileType Properties Name Description Data (Inherited...
The exception that is thrown when validation errors encountered during metadata saving....Class MetadataValidationEx Properties MetadataValidationEx Methods...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description Data (Inherited...
Special convert option class, which instructs converter to copy source document without any processing...Constructor NoConvertOptions Properties NoConvertOptions Methods...Description NoConvertOptions ctor Properties Name Description Format The...
The exception that is thrown when file processing is failed....IOException Constructor IOException Properties IOException Methods IOException...of the IOException class. Properties Name Description Data (Inherited...
The exception that is thrown when file conversion failed....Constructor ConvertFileException Properties ConvertFileException Methods...ConvertFileException class. Properties Name Description Data (Inherited...