Options for conversion to Pdf file type....getPageWidth() Specified page width in points if is set to PageSize.Custom...getPageHeight() Specified page height in points if is set to PageSize.Custom...
Zapoznajmy się z instrukcjami krok po kroku dodawania adnotacji linków za pomocą Javy i szybko zastosujmy te punkty, aby dodać adnotacje linków w Javie....adnotacji, takich jak Elipse, Point, TextField, Strikeout, Reduction...
Java kullanarak bağlantı açıklaması eklemek için adım adım talimatları öğrenelim ve Java'da bağlantı açıklaması eklemek için bu noktaları hızla uygulayalım....eklemeye odaklandık, ancak Elipse, Point, TextField, Strikeout, Reduction...
This post provides the process of how to convert PPT to PPTX using Java and demonstrates the working of the feature with Java PPT to PPTX converter application....file on the disk The above points briefly describe the workflow...
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions to convert ODG to PDF using Java and a working sample code for ODG to PDF file converter in Java capability....can take a look at the main points along with a working example...
This quick article describes the stepwise process to convert Image to Word using C# and how to develop an application for Image to Word converter in C#....Below you can find the key points and a sample code snippet to...
This short tutorial explains the process in detail to compare PDF files using C# and guides you to develop the functionality to compare two PDF files using C#....developed by following the above points in a sequence. In the first...
Let's understand the process to extract metadata from Excel file in C# with a simple API calls and learn how to develop the C# Excel metadata extractor application.... Here are the key points as well as a code snippet for...
This article provides stepwise instructions to extract Text from Excel in C# using simple API calls and a sample application to read Text from Excel file using C#....you just need to follow these points and write a few lines of code...
Get familiar yourself with the process to add polyline annotation using Java and easily consume APIs to develop a capability to add polyline annotation in Java....path We have created the above points that allow you to quickly create...