Encapsulates all emails formats. Includes the following file types: Tnef, Eml, Emlx, Msg, Html,...extension cannot be properly parsed GetHashCode Returns a hash-code...
To extract images from emails getImages method is used. By default images are extracted with its original format. With using ImageOptions class it is possible to extract images from emails as bmp, gif, jpeg, png and webp formats.
Warning getImages method returns null value if image extraction isn’t supported for the document. For example, image extraction isn’t supported for TXT files. Therefore, for TXT file getImages method returns null. If an email has no images, getImages method returns an empty collection.... You are welcome to parse documents and extract data from...
To extract images from PDF documents getImages methods are used. By default images are extracted with its original format. With using ImageOptions class it is possible to extract images from PDF documents as bmp, gif, jpeg, png and webp formats.
Warning getImages method returns null value if image extraction isn’t supported for the document. For example, image extraction isn’t supported for TXT files. Therefore, for TXT file getImages method returns null.... You are welcome to parse documents and extract data from...
Ελληνικά English Español Français Deutsch Русский ไทย 中文 日本語 groupdocs.app Δωρεάν ηλεκτρονικές εφαρμογές για προβολή,......annotate, compare, sign, assemble, parse, classify, redact and search...
Tento článek vás provede extrahováním metadat z DOCX pomocí C#. Je uveden příklad kódu C# extrakce metadat DOCX, který ukazuje, jak tento proces provést....dokumentů, zejména díky použití C# parse DOCX metadata . Dodržováním...
Rychle se naučte extrahovat metadata z PPTX pomocí C#. Bude poskytnut příklad extrakce metadat PPTX C# kódu, kompatibilní s Windows, macOS a Linux....Stručně řečeno, použití C# parse PPTX metadata poskytuje efektivní...