The font-palette CSS property allows specifying one of the many palettes contained in a color font that a user agent may use for the font. Users can also override the values in a palette or create a new palette by using the @font-palette-values at-rule....The HTML contains a single paragraph of text to animate: html <p>color-palette<br...apply this animation to our paragraph. css @import url("https://fonts...
These keywords define whether an element generates display boxes at all....In this first example, the paragraph with a class of secret is...View this page on GitHub • Report a problem with this content...
The functional :has() CSS pseudo-class represents an element if any of the relative selectors that are passed as an argument match at least one element when anchored against this element. This pseudo-class presents a way of selecting a parent element or a previous sibling element with respect to a reference element by taking a relative selector list as an argument....Selects an h1 heading with a paragraph element that immediately follows...H1 heading followed by a paragraph and the right one with an...