Files with XLTX extension represent Microsoft Excel Template files that are based on the Office OpenXML file format specifications. Learn more...Field MHT Field MHTML Field MOV Field MP3 Field MPP Field MSG...
Files with WMF extension represent Microsoft Windows Metafile (WMF) for storing vector as well as bitmap-format images data. Learn more about t...Field MHT Field MHTML Field MOV Field MP3 Field MPP Field MSG...
Files with .PST extension represent Outlook Personal Storage Files (also called Personal Storage Table) that store variety of user information....Field MHT Field MHTML Field MOV Field MP3 Field MPP Field MSG...
VSS are stencil files created with Microsoft Visio 2007 and earlier. Stencil files provide drawing objects that can be included in a .VSD Visio...Field MHT Field MHTML Field MOV Field MP3 Field MPP Field MSG...
DOCX is a well-known format for Microsoft Word documents. Introduced from 2007 with the release of Microsoft Office 2007, the structure of this...Field MHT Field MHTML Field MOV Field MP3 Field MPP Field MSG...
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a type of document created by Adobe back in 1990s. The purpose of this file format was to introduce a standar...Field MHT Field MHTML Field MOV Field MP3 Field MPP Field MSG...
Files with PPTX extension are presentation files created with popular Microsoft PowerPoint application. Unlike the previous version of presenta...Field MHT Field MHTML Field MOV Field MP3 Field MPP Field MSG...
Files with POTM extension are Microsoft PowerPoint template files with support for Macros. POTM files are created with PowerPoint 2007 or above...Field MHT Field MHTML Field MOV Field MP3 Field MPP Field MSG...
Files with OTT extension represent template documents generated by applications in compliance with the OASIS' OpenDocument standard format. The...Field MHT Field MHTML Field MOV Field MP3 Field MPP Field MSG...