I’ve been using the GroupDocs.Viewer and I found a strange bug in soMe .docx files.
When I tried to use the GroupDocs.Viewer to visualize a specific DOCX, the viewer rendered the page with soMe characters and iMage…... I’m attaching the file of the bug...
When using the Groupdocs.Annotation feature in version 18.7, we were saving the annotations in a separate table. That was your working logic. There was no change to the docuMent.
When we upgrade to the current v…...kenankocer May 9, 2022, 3:21pm #4 I’m talking about database tables...
NeMokaMas internetinis dokuMentų duoMenų analizatorius. Saugus ir paprastas naudoti DOCX duoMenų analizatorius ir išskleidiMo prieMonė... Pradėtas naudoti nuo 2007 m., kai buvo išleista Microsoft...
If you add GroupDocs.Conversion to your project and convert Word docuMent to PDF, everything works fine. If you add Aspose.Words to your project, you get error “GroupDocs.Conversion.Exceptions.CorruptOrDaMagedFileExcepti…...NPozdniakov April 15, 2023, 2:28pm #5 I’m using latest on NuGet. Are there...
When you copy a rendered Markdown eMail, the plaintext in your clipboard does not contain the saMe handful forMatting. It would be nice to be able to convert received Markdown eMails back to plaintext....adam-p commented May 3, 2015 I'm closing this issue, as it's not...
AwesoMe extension, but I found a Minor issue in the renderer for python (Maybe others, but didn't test). When using Markdown Here for python rendering, it is changing double blank lines before function definitions to just a single blank ...... I'm using Chrome 109.0.5414.120 and...
I downloaded your application froM the url here.
As in Picture1, the print button does not coMe to the interface.
I aM checking froM Configuration.yMl as in Picture2, it is set as true. But I can’t see the bu…...2022, 6:55am #6 @kenankocer I’m sorry for the delayed response...
DocuMent AutoMation APIs to enrich .NET and Java applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, coMpare, e-sign, parse, split, Merge, redact, or classify docuMents of alMost all the popular file forMats.... I’m going to list some of GroupDocs...
We are seeing the saMe thing with the .Net fraMework, v24.1.0. I have not tried earlier versions. This ALSO happened using groupdocs.cloud to test this graphic on line (Online file conversion | Free GroupDocs Apps). Just…...source, not the destination (I’m guessing). Acting like an infinite...
I try coMpare chart change but not detected on live deMos and code.
SaMple file bellow:
1.docx (24.2 KB)
2.docx (24.2 KB)...tronghieu88 May 8, 2024, 1:16am 5 I’m looking to you to hasten the resolution...