LUA ファイルのフォーマットと,LUA ファイルを作成して開くことができる API について学びます。...' ### 機能 ### do local oldprint = print -- Store current...pairs(_G) do print(key, value) end local grid = { { 11, 12, 13 }, { 21...
I am using desktop version of the converter api in dotnet. I wish to add any missing fonts at certain path and then set it as path for fonts in PdfConvertOptions class but I didn’t found any fontPath property in this cla…...original fonts at some path like local drive or azure containers and...original fonts at some path like local drive or azure containers and...
This artcle explains how to get document information...information from a file from local disk This example demostrates...document information from the local file. basic_usage.GetDocumentInfoForTh...