ከEMLX፣ ምስሎች፣ ስዕሎች እና የሰነድ ፋይል ቅርጸቶች ታዋቂ የማብራሪያ አይነቶችን ለመፍጠር እና ለማብራራት የተጣራ ኤፒአይ።...annotation to the document from local disk using (Annotator annotator...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from PPS, images, drawings and document file formats....annotation to the document from local disk using (Annotator annotator...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from CAD, images, drawings and document file formats....annotation to the document from local disk using (Annotator annotator...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from PPT, images, drawings and document file formats....annotation to the document from local disk using (Annotator annotator...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from DOC, images, drawings and document file formats....annotation to the document from local disk using (Annotator annotator...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from EMF, images, drawings and document file formats....annotation to the document from local disk using (Annotator annotator...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from TIFF, images, drawings and document file formats....annotation to the document from local disk using (Annotator annotator...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from PPTM, images, drawings and document file formats....annotation to the document from local disk using (Annotator annotator...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from TIF, images, drawings and document file formats....annotation to the document from local disk using (Annotator annotator...