Bearbeiten Sie mehrere Dokumentformate mithilfe von HTML in Ihren Anwendungen mithilfe von GroupDocs.Editor-APIs... Dies sind Links zu einigen nützlichen Ressourcen:...Java-basierten Anwendungen. Dies sind Links zu einigen nützlichen Ressourcen:...
Mescle dois ou mais arquivos de apresentação do PowerPoint online em um. Combine todos os slides ou junte apenas os slides específicos de vários arquivos PPT/PPTX online e programaticamente....Você também pode compartilhar o link de download para qualquer endereço...using C# . Explore os seguintes links para recursos da API .NET: ...
We are delighted to announce that the first monthly release of GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET for the year 2017 is out and available. Using GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 17.1.0 users will be able to partially render the large Excel sheets. The latest version also supports the configuration of ViewerConfig class via app.config or web.config file. Furthermore, 9 issues have been fixed in this release. Continue to read more about v17.1.0.
GroupDocs.Viewer for ....buttons from HTML page Fix - Links are converted into plain text...when rendering to HTML Related Links and ResourcesWe have a few channels...
Transform your document search process with this API for advance full text search capability into any existing or new cross platform application... These are links to some useful resources: GroupDocs...Java-based applications. These are links to some useful resources: GroupDocs...
Anote archivos PDF mediante la creación de hipervínculos mediante anotaciones de vínculos en C#. Anotación de documentos e imágenes La API .NET permite realizar anotaciones mediante la vinculación de datos externos....pdf")) { LinkAnnotation link = new LinkAnnotation { CreatedOn...annotator.Add(link); annotator.Save(@"path/annotation-link.pdf"); }...
Annota i file PDF creando collegamenti ipertestuali utilizzando le annotazioni di collegamento in C#. Annotazione di documenti e immagini .NET API consente di annotare collegando dati esterni....pdf")) { LinkAnnotation link = new LinkAnnotation { CreatedOn...annotator.Add(link); annotator.Save(@"path/annotation-link.pdf"); }...
Beschleunigen und vereinfachen Sie die Anzeige von Dokumenten oder Bildern in jeder plattformübergreifenden Anwendung mit unseren nativen GroupDocs.Viewer-APIs für .NET und Java... Dies sind Links zu einigen nützlichen Ressourcen:...Diagrammen anzuzeigen. Dies sind Links zu einigen nützlichen Ressourcen:...
علق ملفات PDF عن طريق إنشاء ارتباطات تشعبية باستخدام التعليقات التوضيحية للرابط في C #. الشرح التوضيحي للمستند والصورة. تسمح .NET API بالتعليق عن طريق ربط البيانات الخارجية.... قم بإنشاء كائن Link Annotation . حدد خصائص الارتباط...ple.pdf")) { LinkAnnotation link = new LinkAnnotation { CreatedOn...
Automate your document generation process with cross platform automation assembly APIs to boost productivity and accuracy... These are links to some useful resources: GroupDocs...Office, HTML etc. These are links to some useful resources: GroupDocs...