Proficient in C++, Python.
Passionate about open source.
Ready to collaborate and contribute to exciting project. - lanvent...Learn how we count contributions Less No contributions. Low contributions...
Full-stack developer, author of gopeed and proxyee-down.
求职中,base 深圳,最好是能远程,如果觉得合适欢迎邮箱联系我。 - monkeyWie...Learn how we count contributions Less No contributions. Low contributions...
尽人事,听天命!. xujiaji has 73 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub....Learn how we count contributions Less No contributions. Low contributions...
Software Engineer @theodo.
Building GenAI and ServerLess applications - mamadoudicko...Learn how we count contributions Less No contributions. Low contributions...
Developer. Student. Writer.
I develop open source programs which can be useful, fun, or maybe totally silly.
I also write short stories and essays. - bauripalash...Learn how we count contributions Less No contributions. Low contributions...
self-taught reverse engineer and full stack dev. xtekky has 77 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub....Learn how we count contributions Less No contributions. Low contributions...
In this article we added two new features: an Alert component and persisting todos to web storage....boilerplate, but also generating less error-prone code. Writing to...js file will weight a little less than 22 KB. If we remove the...
This has been a quick run-through of the most common types of values and units you might encounter. You can have a look at all of the different types on the CSS Values and units reference page — you will encounter many of these in use as you work through these Lessons....its contents become more or less opaque: html <div class="wrapper">...16 = 256). These values are less intuitive than keywords for...