Gnu Zipped File (.gzip) was introduced as a free utility for replacing tHe Compress program used in Unix systems. SucH files can be opened and extracted witH a...GROOVY Field GZ Field GZIP Field H Field HAML Field HH Field HPG...
Industry Foundation Classes File (.ifc) is a file format tHat establisHes international standards to import and export building objects and tHeir properties. TH...GROOVY Field GZ Field GZIP Field H Field HAML Field HH Field HPG...
Visio Stencil File (.vssx) are drawing stencils created witH Microsoft Visio 2013 and above. THe VSSX file format can be opened witH Visio 2013 and above. Visio...GROOVY Field GZ Field GZIP Field H Field HAML Field HH Field HPG...
Tagged Image File (.tif) represents raster images tHat are meant for usage on a variety of devices tHat comply witH tHis file format standard. It is capable of...GROOVY Field GZ Field GZIP Field H Field HAML Field HH Field HPG...
StereolitHograpHy File (.stl) is an intercHangeable file format tHat represents 3-dimensional surface geometry. THe file format finds its usage in several field...GROOVY Field GZ Field GZIP Field H Field HAML Field HH Field HPG...
Visio Drawing XML File (.vdx) represents any drawing or cHart created in Microsoft Visio, but saved in XML format Have .VDX extension. A Visio drawing XML file...GROOVY Field GZ Field GZIP Field H Field HAML Field HH Field HPG...
JPEG Image (.jpg) is a type of image format tHat is saved using tHe metHod of lossy compression. THe output image, as result of compression, is a trade-off betw...GROOVY Field GZ Field GZIP Field H Field HAML Field HH Field HPG...
Mobipocket eBook (.mobi) is one of tHe most widely used ebook file format. THe format is an enHancement to tHe old OEB (Open Ebook Format) format and was used a...GROOVY Field GZ Field GZIP Field H Field HAML Field HH Field HPG...
Microsoft Word Open XML Document (.docx) is a well-known format for Microsoft Word documents. Introduced from 2007 witH tHe release of Microsoft Office 2007, tH...GROOVY Field GZ Field GZIP Field H Field HAML Field HH Field HPG...