Simple IAB-2 text classification Call Classify method with a text as the first parameter to perform classification. Default taxonomy (IAB-2) and bestClassesCount (1) will be used.
var response = classifier.Classify("Medicine is an important part of our lifes"); Console.WriteLine(response.BestClassName, response.BestClassProbability); Raw text classification with Documents taxonomy and 2 best classes to return Taxonomy, bestClassesCount and precisionRecallBalance could also be specified:
var response = classifier.Classify("Medicine is an important part of our lifes", 2, Taxonomy....Simple IAB-2 text classification Call Classify method with a text as the first parameter to perform classification. Default taxonomy (IAB-2) and bestClassesCount (1) will be used.
var response = classifier.Classify("Medicine is an important part of our lifes"); Console.WriteLine(response.BestClassName, response.BestClassProbability); Raw text classification with Documents taxonomy and 2 best classes to return Taxonomy, bestClassesCount and precisionRecallBalance could also be specified:
var response = classifier.Classify("Medicine is an important part of our lifes", 2, Taxonomy.