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  1. ConsoleLogger.Trace Method - GroupDocs.Merger f...

    Writes trace message to the console. Trace log messages provides generally useful information about application Flow....information about application flow. Namespace: GroupDocs.Merger...
  2. FileLogger.Error Method - GroupDocs.Viewer for ...

    Writes an error message to the console. Error log messages provide information about unrecoverable events in application Flow....unrecoverable events in application flow. Namespace: GroupDocs.Viewer...
  3. GroupDocs.Viewer for Java 21.11 Release Notes |...

    Features, improvements, and bugs-fixes that are shipped in GroupDocs.Viewer for Java 21.11...information about application flow. * @param message The trace...information about application flow. * @param throwable The throwable...
  4. ConsoleLogger.Error Method - GroupDocs.Merger f...

    Writes error message to the console. Error log messages provides information about unrecoverable events in application Flow....unrecoverable events in application flow. Namespace: GroupDocs.Merger...
  5. Convert to Html | GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET...

    Following this article you will learn how to convert documents to HTML format with couple C# code lines and GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET....fixed positioned DOM elements or flow positioned DOM elements. Conversion...
  6. TextEditOptions Class - GroupDocs.Editor for .N...

    Allows to specify custom options for loading plain text (TXT) documents...specify the direction of text flow in the input plain text document...
  7. Add Watermark to VSD Online

    Insert watermark in VSD. Apply text or image watermarks with various settings. Protect and mark your VSD with our tool....objects, flow charts, UML diagram, information flow, organizational...
  8. GroupDocs Released an Intro Video to Visually D...

    Great news for all! We’re glad to announce that GroupDocs has introduced the first video in its series: How to view office documents online using GroupDocs Viewer. It’s an intro video for our efficient online document viewer app. In this video, you’ll find the features of GroupDocs Viewer and the methods to view documents online regardless of their format. This video is available on GroupDocs’ YouTube channel. null We’ve plans to introduce more videos in the coming weeks....include intros, how-tos, work-flow diagrams & comparison, and so...
  9. Editing a Word document, Only 'phrasing' conten...

    Get error - "Only ‘phrasing’ content is permitted for the heading (H2) element, while specified element DIV has content category ‘Flow’ Parameter name: newElement. code: EditableDocument readyToEdit = editor.Edit(new W…...element DIV has content category ‘Flow’ Parameter name: newElement...
  10. EbookEditOptions | GroupDocs.Editor for Java AP...

    Allows to specify and adjust custom options for editing E-book documents in all supported formats ePub MOBI and AZW3....e-book formats internally is a flow format like Office Open XML...e-book formats internally is a flow format like Office Open XML...