The following example demonstrates how to save the redacted document, replacing an original file:
// Make a copy of sample file Files.copy(new File("Sample.docx").toPath(), new File("OverwrittenSample.docx").toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); // Apply redaction final Redactor redactor = new Redactor("OverwrittenSample.docx"); try { RedactorChangeLog result = redactor.apply(new ExactPhraseRedaction("John Doe", new ReplacementOptions(java.awt.Color.RED))); if (result.getStatus() != RedactionStatus.Failed) { SaveOptions options = new SaveOptions(); options.setAddSuffix(false); options.setRasterizeToPDF(false); // Save the document in original format overwriting original file; } } finally { redactor....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...