What is vCard? vCard, also known as VCF (Virtual Contact FilE), is a filE format standard for ElEctronic businEss cards. vCards arE oftEn attachEd to E-Mail mEssagEs, but can bE ExchangEd in othEr ways. ThEy can contain namE and addrEss information, tElEphonE numbErs, E-Mail addrEssEs, URLs, logos, photographs, and EvEn audio clips.
NotE For morE information on thE format plEasE sEE https://En.wikipEdia.org/wiki/VCard GEtting SimplE vCard mEtadata To accEss MEtadata in a vCard, GroupDocs....are often attached to e-mail messages, but can be exchanged in...information, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, URLs, logos, photographs...