Net API for å lage og kommentere populære merknadstyper fra DXF, bilder, tegninger og dokumentfilformater....Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net API за създаване и анотиране на популярни типове анотации от DCM, изображения, чертежи и файлови формати на документи....Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net API για τη δημιουργία και τον σχολιασμό δημοφιλών τύπων σχολιασμού από GIF, εικόνες, σχέδια και μορφές αρχείων εγγράφων....Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net API om gewilde annotasietipes van VSD, beelde, tekeninge en dokumentlêerformate te skep en te annoteer....Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net API untuk membuat dan Membuat anotasi jenis anotasi populer dari VSD, gambar, gambar, dan format file dokumen....Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net API pentru a crea și adnota tipuri populare de adnotări din XLSX, imagini, desene și formate de fișiere de document....Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net API voor het maken en annoteren van populaire annotatietypen van XLSX, afbeeldingen, tekeningen en documentbestandsindelingen....Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net API untuk membuat dan Membuat anotasi jenis anotasi populer dari XLSX, gambar, gambar, dan format file dokumen....Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net API voor het maken en annoteren van populaire annotatietypen van OTT, afbeeldingen, tekeningen en documentbestandsindelingen....Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net-API zum Erstellen und Kommentieren beliebter Anmerkungstypen aus EML, Bildern, Zeichnungen und Dokumentdateiformaten....Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...