GroupDocs.Annotation for Java examples, plugins, and showcase - GroupDocs.Annotation-for-Java/ at master · groupdocs-annotation/GroupDocs.Annotation-for-Java...Reduction, Underline Watermark: Diagonal, Horizontal Get Started with...
The stroke-dasharray CSS property defines a pattern of dashes and gaps used in the painting of the SVG shape's stroke. If present, it overrides the element's stroke-dasharray attribute....Percentages refer to the normalized diagonal of the current SVG viewport...Percentages refer to the normalized diagonal measure of the current SVG...
Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 3.1.0. Major Features There are 32 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:
Introduced error localization. Improved image watermarks. Improved image conversion and resizing. Improved convertor post-processing actions. Added required HTML markup for email documents. Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Category VIEWERNET-425 Implement ru-RU localization for error messages New Feature VIEWERNET-424 Implement en-US localization for error messages New Feature VIEWERNET-348 Implement localization....Bug VIEWERNET-412 The pdf diagonal watermark is not in the center...