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custom annotation appearance

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  1. GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 18.1 Release Notes | ...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 18.1. Major Features There are 12 features, improvements, and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are: Added setting for specifying Layers when rendering CAD documents Added Jpeg2000 (JP2, J2C, J2K, JPF, JPX, JPM) file formats support Added PostScript (PS) file format support Added Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Template (POTM) and Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Show (PPSM) file formats support Added support of rendering notes for Presentation documents Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Category VIEWERNET-1479 Add POTM file format support New Feature VIEWERNET-1477 Add PPSM file format support New Feature VIEWERNET-1430 Add JPEG2000 file format support New Feature VIEWERNET-1222 Support rendering notes for Presentation documents New Feature VIEWERNET-1156 Implement setting for specifying Layers when rendering CAD documents New Feature VIEWERNET-872 Add PS (PostScript) file format support New Feature VIEWERNET-1484 Set output page height and width (for image and HTML) depending on the rendered DWF document page sizes Improvement VIEWERNET-1483 Create single styles resource when rendering Text documents as HTML Improvement VIEWERNET-1457 Improve exporting and embedding HTML resources when rendering SVG documents Improvement VIEWERNET-1242 Improve exporting and embedding HTML resources when rendering Presentation documents Improvement VIEWERNET-1482 Header contains error message when rendering Word document as PDF Bug VIEWERNET-1474 API is not creating cache files in CachePath when rendering document from network path Bug Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  2. Template Syntax - Part 1 of 2 | GroupDocs.Assem...

    This article is the first part of the Template Syntax series of articles. For second part, please visit Template Syntax - Part 2 of 2. Composing Template A typical template for GroupDocs.Assembly Engine is composed of common document contents and tags that describe the template’s structure and data bindings. You can form these tags using just running text that can occupy multiple paragraphs to be more descriptive. A tag body must meet the following requirements:...Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  3. Render PowerPoint presentations as HTML, PDF, a...

    This topic describes how to use the GroupDocs.Viewer .NET API (C#) to convert PowerPoint presentations to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  4. index.json

    [{"content":"JSON et XML sont deux formats de données structurées largement reconnus et largement utilisés par les développeurs pour la transmission de données. En tant que programmeurs, nous renco......agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...
  5. Template Syntax - Part 1 of 2 | GroupDocs.Assem...

    This article is the first part of the Template Syntax series of articles. For second part, please visit Template Syntax - Part 2 of 2. Composing Template A typical template for GroupDocs.Assembly Engine is composed of common document contents and tags that describe the template’s structure and data bindings. You can form these tags using just running text that can occupy multiple paragraphs to be more descriptive. A tag body must meet the following requirements:...Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  6. index.json

    [{"content":"JSON і XML — це два загальновизнаних формати структурованих даних, які широко використовуються розробниками для передачі даних. Як програмісти, ми часто стикаємося зі сценаріями, коли ......agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...
  7. index.json

    [{"content":"JSON e XML são dois formatos de dados estruturados amplamente reconhecidos e amplamente utilizados por desenvolvedores para transmissão de dados. Como programadores, frequentemente enc......agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...
  8. index.json

    [{"content":"JSON a XML jsou dva široce uznávané formáty strukturovaných dat široce využívané vývojáři pro přenos dat. Jako programátoři se často setkáváme se scénáři, kdy je nezbytná bezproblémová......agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...
  9. index.json

    [{"content":"JSON وXML هما تنسيقان معروفان على نطاق واسع للبيانات المنظمة ويستخدمهما المطورون على نطاق واسع لنقل البيانات. كمبرمجين، غالبًا ما نواجه سيناريوهات حيث يصبح التحويل السلس بين تنسيقات JS......agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...
  10. index.json

    [{"content":"JSON и XML — это два широко известных формата структурированных данных, широко используемые разработчиками для передачи данных. Как программисты, мы часто сталкиваемся со сценариями, в......agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...agreeable 1 agreed 1 all 4 appearance 1 assurance 1 ... ==========...