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  1. GroupDocs.Assembly for Java 20.3 Release Notes ...

    Major Features Supported unordered lists for Markdown. Supported access to related DataTable using relation name. Supported dynamic insertion of bookmarks for Word Processing documents and emails with HTML and RTF bodies. Supported dynamic naming of cell ranges for Spreadsheet documents. Supported dynamic insertion of documents and images from Base64-encoded bytes. Supported dynamic checkbox value setting for Word Processing documents. Full List of Features Covering all Changes in this Release All Changes Key Summary Category ASSEMBLYNET-135  Support unordered lists for Markdown  Feature  ASSEMBLYNET-136  Support access to related DataTable using relation name  Feature  ASSEMBLYNET-139  Support dynamic insertion of bookmarks for Word Processing documents  Feature  ASSEMBLYNET-140  Support dynamic insertion of bookmarks for emails with HTML and RTF bodies  Feature  ASSEMBLYNET-141  Support dynamic naming of cell ranges for Spreadsheet documents  Feature  ASSEMBLYNET-145  Support dynamic checkbox value setting for Word Processing documents  Feature  ASSEMBLYNET-147  Support dynamic image and document insertion from Base64-encoded bytes  Feature  ASSEMBLYNET-137  NullReferenceException is thrown when evaluating a null-conditional operator on missing related DataRow  Bug  ASSEMBLYNET-138  Page breaks are removed if DocumentAssemblyOptions....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  2. Render Lotus Notes database files as HTML, PDF,...

    This topic describes how to use the GroupDocs.Viewer .NET API (C#) to convert Lotus Notes database files (NSF) to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  3. Mastering JSON Comparisons

    Explore the intricacies of JSON data comparisons in this detailed guide. Learn how GroupDocs.Comparison APIs can transform your data analysis with visual and textual comparison tools, addressing common challenges in JSON data interchange....JSON file with the serialized customer could contain same properties...with serialized cutomers { "Customer" : { "FirstName" : "John"...
  4. Render PowerPoint presentations as HTML, PDF, a...

    This topic describes how to use the GroupDocs.Viewer Node.js API to convert PowerPoint presentations to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  5. GroupDocs.Watermark for .NET 17.11 Release Note...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Watermark for .NET 17.11. Major Features There are following features in this first release: Add support for Email Formats Remove SlidesBaseSlide.BackgroundImage property (obsolete code) Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Category WATERMARKNET-513 Add support for email formats New Feature WATERMARKNET-541 Remove SlidesBaseSlide.BackgroundImage property (obsolete code) Enhancement Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  6. Render PowerPoint presentations as HTML, PDF, a...

    This topic describes how to use the GroupDocs.Viewer Java API to convert PowerPoint presentations to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  7. GroupDocs.Viewer For .NET 3.5.0 Release Notes |...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 3.5.0. Major Features There are 2 new features and 21 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are: Implemented saving Cells document sheet to multiple pages in image mode. Ability to specify font for watermark. Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Category VIEWERNET-733 Implement saving Cells document sheet to multiple pages in image mode New Feature VIEWERNET-787 Implement ability to specify font for watermark New Feature VIEWERNET-616 Implement GetPdfFile from stream or remote file Improvement VIEWERNET-721 Improve Words files to html rendering speed Improvement VIEWERNET-732 Implement saving file data separately based on options Improvement VIEWERNET-748 Implement releasing converters resources Improvement VIEWERNET-529 Cannot add page to pdf document Bug VIEWERNET-564 OutOfMemoryException raised when total readed file size reached upto 250MB Bug VIEWERNET-627 The operation is not supported error raised when loading epub document Bug VIEWERNET-667 IOException is raised when try to move a loaded document(into the viewer) to any other directory Bug VIEWERNET-691 Cell shading is not applied uniformly while converting spreadsheet to HTML Bug VIEWERNET-717 Ott file stream detects as ods file format Bug VIEWERNET-729 GetDocumentInfo() Throws “Parameter is not valid” Exception Bug VIEWERNET-753 Excel file is not properly rendering into HTML Bug VIEWERNET-776 Header contents of Word document are not appearing in rendered html or images Bug VIEWERNET-779 Exception generated while calling handler....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  8. GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 18.6 Release Notes | ...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 18.6. Major Features There are 17 features, improvements, and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are: Added DWF file format support Rendering CAD documents by specifying coordinates New option to force password validation each time the document is processed Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Category VIEWERNET-1601 Add new option which allows checking password each time document processed New Feature VIEWERNET-1218 Add DWF file format support New Feature VIEWERNET-915 Render CAD documents by specifying coordinates New Feature VIEWERNET-1621 Extend support for DefaultFontName setting to PDF documents when rendering into PDF Improvement VIEWERNET-1588 Add new property EmbedResources which will replace IsResourcesEmbedded property in HtmlOptions class Improvement VIEWERNET-1585 Support empty string for ViewerConfig....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  9. Specify spreadsheet rendering options | Documen...

    This topic describes how to use the GroupDocs.Viewer .NET API (C#) to specify various options for rendering spreadsheet files to HTML, PDF, and image formats....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  10. GroupDocs.Comparison Product Family on GroupDoc...

    GroupDocs.Comparison Product Family on GroupDocs Blog | Document Automation Solutions for .NET & Java Developers Recent content in GroupDocs.Comparison Product Family on GroupDocs Blog | Document A......Issue is Resolved Footnote appears at bottom of the page and used...tables in PDF GroupDocs. Annotations comparison is implemented...