Tagged Image File (.tif) represents raster images that are meant for usage on a variety of devices that comply with this file format standard. It is capable of...Field BMP Field BZ2 Field C Field CC Field CDR Field CF2 Field CGM...
Stereolithography File (.stl) is an interchangeable file format that represents 3-dimensional surface geometry. The file format finds its usage in several field...Field BMP Field BZ2 Field C Field CC Field CDR Field CF2 Field CGM...
Visio Drawing XML File (.vdx) represents any drawing or chart created in Microsoft Visio, but saved in XML format have .VDX extension. A Visio drawing XML file...Field BMP Field BZ2 Field C Field CC Field CDR Field CF2 Field CGM...
Convert PDF to PDF/A in VB.NET - Aspose.PDF Product Family - Free Support Forum - aspose.com,all.min.css,line-awesome.min.css,How to Use the Top QR Code...com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code:...
Native & On-premise Java API to help you build Document Viewer & Renderer Apps that work with 170+ file formats for Word Excel PowerPoint OpenOffice & lot more....Language: CS/VB/AS/AS3/ASM/BAT/C/CC/CMAKE/CPP (C++)/CSS/CXX/DIFF...OBJ HPG CS VB AS AS3 ASM BAT C CC CMAKE CPP (C++) CSS CXX DIFF...
Native & On-premise Java API to help you build Document Viewer & Renderer Apps that work with 170+ file formats for Word Excel PowerPoint OpenOffice & lot more....Language: CS/VB/AS/AS3/ASM/BAT/C/CC/CMAKE/CPP (C++)/CSS/CXX/DIFF...OBJ HPG CS VB AS AS3 ASM BAT C CC CMAKE CPP (C++) CSS CXX DIFF...
Native & On-premise Java API to help you build Document Viewer & Renderer Apps that work with 170+ file formats for Word Excel PowerPoint OpenOffice & lot more....Language: CS/VB/AS/AS3/ASM/BAT/C/CC/CMAKE/CPP (C++)/CSS/CXX/DIFF...OBJ HPG CS VB AS AS3 ASM BAT C CC CMAKE CPP (C++) CSS CXX DIFF...
Native & On-premise Java API to help you build Document Viewer & Renderer Apps that work with 170+ file formats for Word Excel PowerPoint OpenOffice & lot more....Language: CS/VB/AS/AS3/ASM/BAT/C/CC/CMAKE/CPP (C++)/CSS/CXX/DIFF...OBJ HPG CS VB AS AS3 ASM BAT C CC CMAKE CPP (C++) CSS CXX DIFF...
Native & On-premise Java API to help you build Document Viewer & Renderer Apps that work with 170+ file formats for Word Excel PowerPoint OpenOffice & lot more....Language: CS/VB/AS/AS3/ASM/BAT/C/CC/CMAKE/CPP (C++)/CSS/CXX/DIFF...OBJ HPG CS VB AS AS3 ASM BAT C CC CMAKE CPP (C++) CSS CXX DIFF...