Initialize TextSignature object with signature identifier that was obtained after search process. This unique identifier is used to find for this signature from document signature information layer...GroupDocs.Signature.Domain Assembly: GroupDocs.Signature (in GroupDocs...
Represents convert options that support conversion of specific list of pages...Convert Assembly: GroupDocs.Conversion (in...desired file type the input document should be converted to. (Inherited...
Contains metadata for a Document....Property Contains metadata for a document. Namespace: GroupDocs.Conversion...Conversion.Contracts Assembly: GroupDocs.Conversion (in GroupDocs...
Put signature on all Document pages....Property Put signature on all document pages. Namespace: GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Signature.Options Assembly: GroupDocs.Signature (in GroupDocs...
Sets page mode, specifying how to display the Document on exiting full-screen mode....specifying how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode...Conversion.Options.Convert Assembly: GroupDocs.Conversion (in...
Specifies whether position of the Document's window will be centered on the screen. Default: false....Specifies whether position of the document's window will be centered...Conversion.Options.Convert Assembly: GroupDocs.Conversion (in...
Sets page mode, specifying how Document should be displayed when mode, specifying how document should be displayed when opened...Conversion.Options.Convert Assembly: GroupDocs.Conversion (in...
Specifies how many levels of headings (paragraphs formatted with the Heading styles) to include in the Document outline. Default is 0. Valid range is 0 to 9....styles) to include in the document outline. Default is 0. Valid...GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Load Assembly: GroupDocs.Conversion (in...
Default font for Note Document. The following font will be used if a font is missing. An absolute path to font file must be provided....Property Default font for Note document. The following font will be...GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Load Assembly: GroupDocs.Conversion (in...
Collection of Document history process logs....ProcessLogs Property Collection of document history process logs. Namespace:...GroupDocs.Signature.Domain Assembly: GroupDocs.Signature (in GroupDocs...