Returns FontType value, which is equivalent of specified CSS-compatible name of the font type...Returns FontType value, which is equivalent of specified CSS-compatible name of the font type
Determines whether the dictionary contains a pAssword for the specified document....Determines whether the dictionary contains a password for the specified document.
Creates a filter that hAs inverse logic in relation to the specified inner filter....Creates a filter that has inverse logic in relation to the specified inner filter.
Initializes a new instance of PreviewOptions clAss causing the output stream to be returned to the client for further use....Initializes a new instance of PreviewOptions class causing the output stream to be returned to the client for further use.
Gets the word forms for the specified word. The resulting array does not contain the original word....Gets the word forms for the specified word. The resulting array does not contain the original word.
Get or set flag to indicate if this component is Signature or document content. This property is being used with Update method to set element As si...Get or set flag to indicate if this component is Signature or document content. This property is being used with Update method to set element as si
PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt) represents PowerPoint file that consists of a collection of slides for displaying As SlideShow. It specifies the Binary File Form...PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt) represents PowerPoint file that consists of a collection of slides for displaying as SlideShow. It specifies the Binary File Form