Allows to override the Locale language for the WordProcessing document for the EastAsian text which will be applied during its creation. When is not specified default value MS Word or other program will detect or choose the document EastAsian Locale according to its own settings or other Allows to override the locale (language) for the WordProcessing...choose) the document East-Asian locale according to its own settings...
Represents a form field that displays a date....getLocaleId() Gets or sets the locale ID of the form field, which...setLocaleId(int value) Gets or sets the locale ID of the form field, which...
Gets or sets the Locale ID of the form field which represents the culture or regional settings associated with the form field....LocaleId property Gets or sets the locale ID of the form field, which...LocaleId property specifies a locale identifier (LCID) that corresponds...
Responsible for embedding font resources into output WordProcessing document. By default doesnt embed any fonts NotEmbed....Editor EnablePagination Locale English Русский 简体中文 Español...