PowerPoint Template (.pot) represents Microsoft PowerPoint template files created by PowerPoint 97-2003 versions. Learn more about this file forma...WEBP Field WMF Field WMZ Field XLAM Field XLS Field XLSB Field XLSM...
PowerPoint Open XML Presentation Template (.potx) represents Microsoft PowerPoint template presentations that are created with Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and abo...WEBP Field WMF Field WMZ Field XLAM Field XLS Field XLSB Field XLSM...
OpenDocument Text Document (.odt) are type of documents created with word processing applications that are based on OpenDocument Text File format....WEBP Field WMF Field WMZ Field XLAM Field XLS Field XLSB Field XLSM...
DjVu Image (.djvu) is a graphics file format intended for scanned documents and books especially those which contain the combination of text, drawings, images a...WEBP Field WMF Field WMZ Field XLAM Field XLS Field XLSB Field XLSM...