Java API til að búa til og athugasemda við vinsælar athugasemdagerðir úr VSDX, myndum, teikningum og skjalaskráarsniðum....PowerPoint, Outlook tölvupósti, Visio, Adobe, OpenDocument, OpenOffice...VSDX endingu tákna Microsoft Visio skráarsnið sem kynnt var frá...
Java API i greu ac Anodi mathau o anodiadau poblogaidd o VST, delweddau, lluniadau a fformatau ffeil dogfen....PowerPoint, e-byst Outlook, Visio, Adobe, OpenDocument, OpenOffice...fector a grëwyd gyda Microsoft Visio ac yn gweithredu fel templed...
Java API ku ji VSDX, wêne, xêzkirin û formatên pelên pelgeyê celebên annotasyonên populer çêbike û annot bike....PowerPoint, e-nameyên Outlook, Visio, Adobe, OpenDocument, OpenOffice...VSDX formata pelê Microsoft Visio ku ji Microsoft Office 2013...
Net API To create and Annotate popular annotation types from CAD, images, drawings and document file formats....PowerPoint, Outlook emails, Visio, Adobe, OpenDocument, OpenOffice...spreadsheets, diagrams, presentations, drawings, images and many...
Net API To create and Annotate popular annotation types from DOC, images, drawings and document file formats....PowerPoint, Outlook emails, Visio, Adobe, OpenDocument, OpenOffice...spreadsheets, diagrams, presentations, drawings, images and many...
Net API To create and Annotate popular annotation types from EMF, images, drawings and document file formats....PowerPoint, Outlook emails, Visio, Adobe, OpenDocument, OpenOffice...spreadsheets, diagrams, presentations, drawings, images and many...