Además de definir partes individuales de tu página (como un párrafo o una imagen), HTML también dispone de elementos de bloque que se pueden utilizar para estructurar las distintas áreas de tu sito web (tal como el encabezado, el menú de navegación o la parte del contenido principal. En este artículo veras cómo planificar una estructura básica de página web y escribirás el HTML que representa esa estructura.... View this page on GitHub • Report...
The anchor() CSS function can be used within an anchor-positioned element's inset property values, returning a length value relative to the position of the edges of its associated anchor element.... View this page on GitHub • Report...
Os hiperlinks são realmente importantes — são o que torna a Web uma web. Este artigo mostra a sintaxe necessária para criar um link e discute as suas melhores práticas.... View this page on GitHub • Report...
Au début, le Web n'était que du texte, ce qui était un peu ennuyeux. Heureusement, il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour que la possibilité d'intégrer des images ( et d'autres types de contenu intéressants) dans une page web soit ajoutée. Bien qu'il y ait plusieurs types de contenu multimedia, il est logique de commencer avec l'humble élément , utilisé pour intégrer une image dans une page web. Dans cet article, nous approfondirons son utilisation en abordant les principes fondamentaux, l'annotation par légendes utilisant
텍스트 서식에 있어서 HTML 텍스트 기본 에서 이야기 하지 않은 수많은 요소들이 있습니다. 이 글에서 설명하는 요소들은 비교적 많이 알려져 있지않지만 여전히 유용합니다(그리고 이것은 완전한 목록이 아닙니다). 이 글에서 여러분은 인용구, 서술문, 컴퓨터 코드 및 관력 텍스트, 아래 첨자, 위 첨자, 연락처 정보 등을 표시하는 방법에 대해 배울 것입니다.... View this page on GitHub • Report...
That's it for now. We hope you've found our rundown of client-side storage technologies notes in your browser and view and delete them whenever you...modified on Jul 25, 2024 by . View this page on GitHub • Report...
En este artículo, aprenderemos sobre el concepto de imágenes adaptables — imágenes que funcionan bien en dispositivos con una amplia diferencia de tamaño de pantallas, resoluciones y otras tantas características — y observar qué herramientas proporciona HTML para ayudar a implementarlas. Esto ayuda a mejorar el rendimiento en diferentes shown on a website when viewed on a desktop browser, then...shrunk down when the website is viewed on a mobile browser, it will...
The Web Audio API provides a powerful and versatile system for controlling audio on the Web, allowing developers to choose audio sources, add effects to audio, create audio visualizations, apply spatial effects (such as panning) and much more.... View this page on GitHub • Report...
It is very important to consider how you are using JavaScript on your websites and think about how to mitigate any performance issues that it might be causing. While images and video account for over 70% of the bytes downloaded for the average website, byte per byte, JavaScript has a greater potential for negative performance impact — it can significantly impact download times, rendering performance, and CPU and battery usage. This article introduces tips and techniques for optimizing JavaScript to enhance the performance of your website.... View this page on GitHub • Report...