META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver Built-By: gitlab.runner Created-By: Apache Maven 3.9.3 Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_181 allclasses-frame.html All Classes ArgbColor ......default (and if not specified) is UTF8. Returns: getKeepSeparatorsFor...default (and if not specified) is UTF8. Parameters: value - setKeepSeparatorsFor...
GroupDocs.Assembly API allows you to use a string as input and output template, instead of document. This feature improves programmability while working with strings instead of documents, the resultant output string can be used as per the application needs. Follow these steps to using a string as input and output template:
Initialize DocumentAssembler Define sourceString @"«[yourValue]»" Convert sourceString to sourceBytes using Encoding.Utf8.GetBytes(sourceString) GettargetBytes using DocumentAssembler.AssembleDocument() Get targetString using Encoding.Utf8.GetString(targetBytes)...UTF8.GetBytes(sourceString) Get targetBytes...targetString using Encoding.UTF8.GetString(targetBytes) Was this...
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver Built-By: gitlab.runner Created-By: Apache Maven 3.5.4 Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_181 allclasses-frame.html All Classes ArgbColor ......default (and if not specified) is UTF8. Returns: getKeepSeparatorsFor...default (and if not specified) is UTF8. Parameters: value - setKeepSeparatorsFor...
We are reviewing the HTML within the reader and noticed that there are empty tags throughout the document. We are seeing this in both EPub and PDF documents. This will cause accessibility issues with our produ…...UTF8.GetString(memoryStream.ToArray());...Empty); byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result); memoryStream...
New to the viewer component here. My use case does not appear to blend with how the implementation of the viewer works based on your examples.
We have a multi tenant system where local disk storage is not available…...UTF8.GetString(bytes); }); viewer....ToArray(); html = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); }); viewer...
Viewer is not rendering all pages on Azure deployment. It works fine when running local the first debug time through, then the local also stops rendering any page after 1. Rendering pages also takes a significant amount …...UTF8.GetString(bytes) only gets called...ToArray(); returnValue += Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); }); viewOptions...
.NET document editor Cloud SDK REST APIs to render Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PPTX, HTML, XML without MS Office installed....UTF8).ReadToEnd(); // Edit something...HtmlPath, new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(htmlString)))); //...
When viewing EML files with the message body defined as "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=“iso-8859-9"”, some characters are displayed corrupted. The “GroupDocs.Viewer.Options.LoadOptions” class has the “DetectEnco…...UTF8; // Set the desired encoding...
First of all, I apologise for my bad English. The css does not work when reading string from html file and converting it to pdf. There is no problem in your online file conversion when converting from html to pdf.
Here …...UTF8.GetBytes(html1)); byte[] result...