Unable to convert PDF to valid PDFA Hello! [pdf_not_convertable.pdf](https://drive.google.com/file/d/11igr9DY30SH_rP-k0311_DIoanJuS4j9/view?usp=drive_link) [pdf_not_convertable_groupdocs_result.pdf......dictionary All non-symbolic TrueType fonts shall specify MacRomanEncoding...dictionary All non-symbolic TrueType fonts shall specify MacRomanEncoding...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.editor com.groupdocs.editor.formats com.groupdocs.editor.handler com.groupdocs.edi......Represents one font in the TTF (TrueType Font) format Woff2Font Represents...
The @supports CSS at-rule lets you specify CSS declarations that depend on a browser's support for CSS features.
Using this at-rule is commonly called a feature query.
The rule must be placed at the top level of your code or nested inside any other conditional group at-rule....and GPOS tables features-aat TrueType morx and kerx tables features-graphite...variations Font variations in TrueType and OpenType fonts to control...
It supports DOCX, DOCM, DOC, DOT, DOTM, XLS, XLSX, PDF, PPT, JPG, PNG, HTML, EML and many more....BitTorrent File TrueType Font Collection TrueType Font Electronic...
It supports DOCX, DOCM, DOC, DOT, DOTM, XLS, XLSX, PDF, PPT, JPG, PNG, HTML, EML and many more....BitTorrent File TrueType Font Collection TrueType Font Electronic...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.editor com.groupdocs.editor.formats com.groupdocs.editor.handler com.groupdocs.edi......Represents one font in the TTF (TrueType Font) format class Woff2Font...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.editor com.groupdocs.editor.formats com.groupdocs.editor.handler com.groupdocs.edi......Represents one font in the TTF (TrueType Font) format class Woff2Font...
I’m trying to convert excel file to pdf file.
I’m using GroupDocs.Conversion java library v24.8, on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS 64-bit.
I keep getting an error: com.groupdocs.conversion.internal.c.a.pd.exceptions.FontNotFoundEx…..."/usr/share/fonts/truetype", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu")); Converter...