Net API ku ji DOC, wêne, xêzkirin û formatên pelên pelgeyê celebên annotasyonên populer biafirîne û şîrove bike....)) { TextFieldAnnotation textField = new TextFieldAnnotation...Now } } }; annotator.Add(textField); annotator.Save( "result...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from PPS, images, drawings and document file formats....)) { TextFieldAnnotation textField = new TextFieldAnnotation...Now } } }; annotator.Add(textField); annotator.Save( "result...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from CAD, images, drawings and document file formats....)) { TextFieldAnnotation textField = new TextFieldAnnotation...Now } } }; annotator.Add(textField); annotator.Save( "result...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from PPT, images, drawings and document file formats....)) { TextFieldAnnotation textField = new TextFieldAnnotation...Now } } }; annotator.Add(textField); annotator.Save( "result...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from DOC, images, drawings and document file formats....)) { TextFieldAnnotation textField = new TextFieldAnnotation...Now } } }; annotator.Add(textField); annotator.Save( "result...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from EMF, images, drawings and document file formats....)) { TextFieldAnnotation textField = new TextFieldAnnotation...Now } } }; annotator.Add(textField); annotator.Save( "result...
Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from TIFF, images, drawings and document file formats....)) { TextFieldAnnotation textField = new TextFieldAnnotation...Now } } }; annotator.Add(textField); annotator.Save( "result...