Creates and returns a new reduced JPEG image, but with specified new reduced height and proportionally reduced width....Raster JpegImage Class JpegImage Methods...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Images.Raster Assembly: GroupDocs.Editor...
Checks whether specified stream is a valid GIF image...Raster GifImage Class GifImage Methods...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Images.Raster Assembly: GroupDocs.Editor...
Checks whether specified stream is a valid BMP image...Raster BmpImage Class BmpImage Methods...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Images.Raster Assembly: GroupDocs.Editor...
Determines whether this raster image is disposed or not...Raster RasterImageResourceB Class...Property Determines whether this raster image is disposed or not Namespace:...
Returns internal version of this GIF image (version is extracted from header)...Raster GifImage Class GifImage Properties...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Images.Raster Assembly: GroupDocs.Editor...
Returns a number of frames (images) inside this TIFF image. Cannot be lesser then 1....Raster TiffImage Class TiffImage Properties...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Images.Raster Assembly: GroupDocs.Editor...
Defines image documents....Image File Format, represents raster images that are meant for usage...Image File Format, represents raster images that are meant for usage...
Saves this raster image to the specified file...Raster RasterImageResourceB Class...RasterImageResourceB Save Method Saves this raster image to the specified file...
Event, which occurs when this raster image is disposed...Raster RasterImageResourceB Class...Event, which occurs when this raster image is disposed Namespace:...
Returns linear dimensions of this raster image (width and height)...Raster RasterImageResourceB Class...Returns linear dimensions of this raster image (width and height) Namespace:...