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presentation to word

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  1. Convert files to various formats | Documentation

    This page explains how To convert a file To PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Email, JPG, PNG, TIFF, and many other formats with just a couple of lines of Java code....PDFs Word processing documents Spreadsheets Presentations Images...
  2. Convert Markdown to PDF using C# | MD to PDF | ...

    Convert Markdown files To PDF using C#. Transform MD files inTo portable format using GroupDocs .NET conversion word-processing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, eBooks...
  3. FileType - GroupDocs.Search for Java - API Refe...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs......generated by Microsoft Word or other word processing documents...DOCM DOCM files are Microsoft Word 2007 or higher generated documents...
  4. GroupDocs.Conversion-for-Java/ at mast...

    GroupDocs.Conversion for Java examples, plugins and showcase projects - GroupDocs.Conversion-for-Java/ at master · groupdocs-conversion/GroupDocs.Conversion-for-Java... options ); Convert Word to Presentation Converter converter...
  5. scalable

    Set column width To scalable unit like em or percent|Documentation,Render HTML with Scalable Column Width using C# or VB.NET,Set column width To scalable unit...manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF...or percent for a better presentation and Scalable column width...
  6. Releasing GroupDocs.Text for .NET – A Convenien...

    Team GroupDocs is pleased To release GroupDocs.Text for .NET API which allows users To extract text from files and documents of various formats. The API facilitates the user with simple syntax, easy To use methods and few lines of code To perform text extraction operations. Why GroupDocs.Text Is Developed? Suppose you are developing a text searching or text analyzing system, wouldn’t it be great if your system can read or analyze a document even if no document reader is installed on your system?...the following file formats: Word Processing Document Formats...(DOC/DOCX/RTM/DOCM/ODT) Presentation Document Formats (PPT/P...
  7. Java PPTX Annotation API C# 中的註釋

    Java API 用於從 PPTX、圖像、繪圖和文檔文件格式創建和註釋流行的註釋類型。...Mac、Windows 或 Ubuntu 上向 PDF、Word 和其他文檔添加註釋。 GroupDocs.Annotation...該庫不僅允許您處理 PPTX 文檔,還可以處理許多其他類型的文檔,例如 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook 電子...
  8. Java PPTM Annotation API C# 中的註釋

    Java API 用於從 PPTM、圖像、繪圖和文檔文件格式創建和註釋流行的註釋類型。...Mac、Windows 或 Ubuntu 上向 PDF、Word 和其他文檔添加註釋。 GroupDocs.Annotation...該庫不僅允許您處理 PPTM 文檔,還可以處理許多其他類型的文檔,例如 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook 電子...
  9. Java CAD Annotation API C# 中的註釋

    Java API 用於從 CAD、圖像、繪圖和文檔文件格式創建和註釋流行的註釋類型。...Mac、Windows 或 Ubuntu 上向 PDF、Word 和其他文檔添加註釋。 GroupDocs.Annotation...該庫不僅允許您處理 CAD 文檔,還可以處理許多其他類型的文檔,例如 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook 電子...
  10. Java PNG Annotation API C# 中的注释

    Java API 用于从 PNG、图像、绘图和文档文件格式创建和注释流行的注释类型。...Mac、Windows 或 Ubuntu 上向 PDF、Word 和其他文档添加注释。 GroupDocs.Annotation...该库不仅允许您处理 PNG 文档,还可以处理许多其他类型的文档,例如 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook 电子...