Unlock the power of text search using GroupDocs.Search! Learn how to search text-based documents using regular expressions....options to refine your search: Phrase search Search all words Search...
Document redaction API for .NET. Redact, hide or remove sensitive content from PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, presentations, & raster images....case-sensitive search for exact phrase redaction Use color box to...
This article gives the knowledge about two ways to create a search query: in text or object form....subqueries into one query - phrase search query SearchQuery query...
This topic will provide guidance on how to redact text in DOCX using Java. Without need of additional software installation, you can replace text in DOCX using Java....object, specifying the exact phrase for redaction and a ReplacementOptions...
This tutorial will guide you through the process of how to redact text in RTF using C#. Additionally, you'll get simple code example to replace text in RTF using C#....string indicating the exact phrase to be redacted and a ReplacementOptions...
Count number of words and their occurrences in PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Email documents in C# using .NET document parsing API....times a particular word or a phrase has been used in the document...
Das placeholder-Attribut definiert den Text, der in einem Formularsteuerelement angezeigt wird, wenn das Steuerelement keinen Wert hat. Der Platzhaltertext sollte dem Benutzer einen kurzen Hinweis auf den erwarteten Datentyp geben, der in das Steuerelement eingegeben werden sollte....enthält ein Wort oder eine kurze Phrase, die auf den erwarteten Datentyp...
Free online document search. Secure and easy to use full text online search in PPSM....PPSM Search Search words and phrases in PPSM. Perform search and...search a PPSM for a word or phrase using simple or complex queries...
Free online document search. Secure and easy to use full text online search in CSV....CSV Search Search words and phrases in CSV. Perform search and...search a CSV for a word or phrase using simple or complex queries...