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pdf editor

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  1. Features Overview | Documentation

    GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET is an API that allows you to generate documents in popular microsoft office and email file formats based upon template documents and data obtained from various sources including databases, XML, JSON, OData, objects of custom .NET types, external documents, and more. The following is the list of salient features which are offered by the GroupDocs.Assembly API: Multiple data formats support Use formulae & perform sequential data operations Apply upper, lower, capital, firstcap formatting to strings in template syntax Template syntax support formatting of ordinal, cardinal, alphabetic numeric nature Support template documents with custom variables & text comments within template syntax tags Dynamically insert out document content in report Dynamically configure background color of html documents & generate barcode in reports Dynamically insert hyperlinks in reports & apply attributes to email message body Dynamically attach email attachments Support of next field analogue of Microsoft Word Update fields during word processing document assembly Apply formula during spreadsheet assembly Template formatting for numeric, text, image, date-time, chart elements Conditional formatting of template text elements Linq-based template syntax Change format of assembled file using explicit specifications or file extension Auto-removal of empty paragraphs Generate various report types, e....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...More Document formats including PDF, Epub and XPS document formats...
  2. GroupDocs.Editor for Java 19.10 Release Notes

    GroupDocs.Editor for Java 19.10 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....Editor Product Family GroupDocs.Editor for Java Release...Toggle navigation GroupDocs.Editor for Java 19.10 Release Notes...
  3. Working with templates | Documentation

    Document template is set by Template class. It contains template items - fields and tables. Each item has the unique (in the template bounds) name and optional page index - value that represents the index of the page where the template item is located; null if the template item is located on any page. Template fields The template field is set by TemplateField class with the following constructor: TemplateField(TemplatePosition position, String name, Integer pageIndex) Parameter Description position Defines the way how to find the field on a page....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...welcome to extract data from PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX...
  4. Working with templates | Documentation

    Document template is set by Template class. It contains template items - fields and tables....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...documents and extract data from PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX...
  5. GroupDocs.Editor for Java 19.10 Release Notes |...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Editor for Java 19.10 Major features The 19.10 release contains this major features: credits support in Metered license, new paginal mode in WordProcessing module and improved rendering quality of WordProcessing format family. heavily expanded XML processing with new features and options. support of XML format (import and editing only) and extended properties for processing plain text documents. paginal mode for the Words converter....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Editor Product Family / GroupDocs.Editor for Java /...
  6. GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 18.3 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 18.3 Major Features There are about seven improvements, new features and fixes in this regular release. Most new features are related to ability to encode custom objects to QR-Code Signatures and alternative implementation of Stamp Signatures. The most notable changes are: Introduced ability to encode custom objects to QR-Code Signatures Implemented standard QR-Code embedded objects like VCard contact details and Email formats Involved ability to search custom objects and obtain them from QR-Code Signatures Updated Dynamic Metered library with latest changes and fixes Implemented new Slides format like otp, potx, potm, pptm, ppsm Fixed few bugs with Slides and Words format files extensions Introduced new type of Stamp Signature Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type SIGNATURENET-3294 Signed ....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...handler . Sign < string >( "test.pdf" , signOptions , saveOptions...
  7. GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 18.7 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 18.7 Major Features There are about 13 improvements, new features and fixes in this regular release. Most new features are related to improvements of cells positioning, implementation of different measure types for Cells signature options. Process events arguments were updated to support ability to cancel signature, verification or search workaround. Summary the most notable changes are: Introduced ability to search for Digital signatures of Words Documents with additional criteria Implemented ability to cancel running process for Signature, Verification and Search routines, same as ability to check if process was cancelled Updated positioning of Stamp text Introduced support of all Measure type units for Cells documents, improved Cells document signatures positioning Extended search process for Words Documents with extended properties for Digital Signatures Fixed few issues with QR-Code Signature rendering Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type SIGNATURENET-3568 Implement additional search criteria for Digital Signatures of Words Documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-3533 Implement ability for cancellation of Search process New Feature SIGNATURENET-3530 Implement ability for cancellation of Verification process New Feature SIGNATURENET-3527 Implement ability for cancellation of Signing process New Feature SIGNATURENET-3526 Implement text positioning for Stamp Signatures....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...Wrong border appearance for PDF Text as Image signatures Bug...
  8. GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 17.12 Release Note...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 17.12 Major Features There are more than 10 improvements, new features and fixes in this regular release. Most improvements and new features were implemented with QR-Codes, Barcode and Digital signature types. The most notable are: Improved Document type detection algorithm to increase signature performance Implemented additional appearance features for QR-Code - ability to specify color of QR-Code bars Added Barcode text alignment type property that allows to hide or locate text around signature area Implemented additional appearance features for Barcode - ability to specify color of Barcode bars Provided Text alignment property for QR-Code Signature that allows to hide or locate text around signature area Introduced ability to setup inner logo image for QR-Codes Implemented new property for Barcode - Inner margins to specify margins between Barcode area and border Added Inner margins property for QR-Code to setup margins between QR-Code area and border Introduced ability to load registered digital certificates installed on system Improved all options collections classes (SignatureOptionsCollection, VerifyOptionsCollection and SearchOptionsCollection) with implementation of IEnumerable interface Updated public classes properties and additional clarification comments Removed old obsolete properties Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type SIGNATURENET-3231 Implement ability to set color of QR-Code bars New Feature SIGNATURENET-3229 Implement ability to set color of Barcode bars New Feature SIGNATURENET-3228 Implement ability to set code text alignment for QR-codes New Feature SIGNATURENET-3225 Implement ability to set code text alignment for Bar-codes New Feature SIGNATURENET-3217 Implement ability to use inner image logo for QR-Codes New Feature SIGNATURENET-3208 Provide ability to set inner margins for QRcodes....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...@"c:\Aspose\Test\Storage\test.pdf" ); Console . WriteLine ( "Document...
  9. GroupDocs.Search for .NET 17.09 Release Notes |...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Search for .NET 17.9 Major Features There are 10 features and enhancements in this regular monthly release. The most notable are: SEARCHNET-1087 Add public constants with field names SEARCHNET-1191 Remove obsolete properties from IndexingSettings SEARCHNET-563 Implement functionality for storing document text in index SEARCHNET-575 Add DocumentFilter property to IndexingSetting for filtering files SEARCHNET-1150 Implement automatic encoding detection for text documents SEARCHNET-1159 Implement support of CHM files...Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...Search.DocumentTypes class. Field Pdf has been added to GroupDocs.Search...
  10. GroupDocs.Signature for Java 18.6 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for Java 18.6 Major Features There are about seven improvements, new features and fixes in this regular release. Most new features are related to ability to encode custom objects to QR-Code Signatures and alternative implementation of Stamp Signatures. The most notable changes are: Introduced ability to encode custom objects to QR-Code Signatures Implemented standard QR-Code embedded objects like VCard contact details and Email formats Involved ability to search custom objects and obtain them from QR-Code Signatures Updated Dynamic Metered library with latest changes and fixes Implemented new Slides format like otp, potx, potm, pptm, ppsm Fixed few bugs with Slides and Words format files extensions Introduced new type of Stamp Signature Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type SIGNATURENET-3413 Implement standard QRCode embedded classes VCard, Email New Feature SIGNATURENET-3400 Implement ability to search custom object to QR-Code Signature New Feature SIGNATURENET-3396 Implement ability to encode custom object to QR-Code Signature New Feature SIGNATURENET-3393 Add ability to process new Slides file formats (otp, potx, potm, pptm, ppsm) New Feature SIGNATURENET-3391 Implement Square type of Stamp Signatures New Feature SIGNATURENET-3294 Signed ....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...handler .< String > sign ( "test.pdf" , signOptions , saveOptions...