Compare and merge more than two XLSB files in C# .NET applications. Retrieve differences summary in content, text & style of XLSB files, images and document formats....Spreadsheet) Compare ODP Files (OpenDocument Presentation File Format)...
Compare and merge more than two PPSX files in C# .NET applications. Retrieve differences summary in content, text & style of PPSX files, images and document formats....Spreadsheet) Compare ODP Files (OpenDocument Presentation File Format)...
Compare and merge more than two DOCM files in C# .NET applications. Retrieve differences summary in content, text & style of DOCM files, images and document formats....Spreadsheet) Compare ODP Files (OpenDocument Presentation File Format)...
Compare and merge more than two DOC files in C# .NET applications. Retrieve differences summary in content, text & style of DOC files, images and document formats....Spreadsheet) Compare ODP Files (OpenDocument Presentation File Format)...
Compare and merge more than two PNG files in C# .NET applications. Retrieve differences summary in content, text & style of PNG files, images and document formats....Spreadsheet) Compare ODP Files (OpenDocument Presentation File Format)...
Compare and merge more than two MHTML files in C# .NET applications. Retrieve differences summary in content, text & style of MHTML files, images and document formats....Spreadsheet) Compare ODP Files (OpenDocument Presentation File Format)...
Compare and merge more than two PY files in C# .NET applications. Retrieve differences summary in content, text & style of PY files, images and document formats....Spreadsheet) Compare ODP Files (OpenDocument Presentation File Format)...
Compare and merge more than two DJVU files in C# .NET applications. Retrieve differences summary in content, text & style of DJVU files, images and document formats....Spreadsheet) Compare ODP Files (OpenDocument Presentation File Format)...
Compare and merge more than two MHT files in C# .NET applications. Retrieve differences summary in content, text & style of MHT files, images and document formats....Spreadsheet) Compare ODP Files (OpenDocument Presentation File Format)...
Advanced text search solution for Node.js applications to search, index & collect data from documents: PDF, Word, Excel, presentations, email & web file formats.... PPSX, PPTM, PPSM, POTM OpenDocument: ODT, ODP, ODS, OTT, OTS...