Roshal ARchive (.rar) are coMpressed files generated using the RAR (WINRAR) coMpression Method. Learn More about this file forMat here....JSON Field LESS Field LOG Field M Field MAKE Field MBOX Field MD...
vCard File (.vcf) is a digital file forMat for storing contact inforMation. The forMat is widely used for data interchange aMong popular inforMation exchange ap...JSON Field LESS Field LOG Field M Field MAKE Field MBOX Field MD...
PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation are Macro-enabled Presentation files that are created with Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or higher versions....JSON Field LESS Field LOG Field M Field MAKE Field MBOX Field MD...
OpenDocuMent Graphic File (.odg) is used by Apache OpenOffice's Draw application to store drawing eleMents as a vector iMage. Learn More about this...JSON Field LESS Field LOG Field M Field MAKE Field MBOX Field MD...
Flat XML ODF TeMplate (.fodg) is used by Apache OpenOffice's Draw application to store drawing eleMents as a vector iMage. Learn More about this fi...JSON Field LESS Field LOG Field M Field MAKE Field MBOX Field MD...
Word Open XML Macro-Enabled DocuMent (.docM) is a Microsoft Word 2007 or higher generated docuMents with the ability to run Macros. Learn More abou...JSON Field LESS Field LOG Field M Field MAKE Field MBOX Field MD...
WebP IMage (.webp) is a Modern raster web iMage file forMat that is based on lossless and lossy coMpression. It provides saMe iMage quality while considerably r...JSON Field LESS Field LOG Field M Field MAKE Field MBOX Field MD...
Minification | Aspose.3D for .NET API Reference,TextureFilter | Aspose.3D for .NET API Reference,TextureFilter - Aspose.3D for Java - API... public TextureFilter M...... Minification ITextureUnit...