L'attribut universel translate est un attribut à valeur contrainte qui peut être utilisé afin d'indiquer si les valeurs d'attribut d'un élément et si les valeurs de ses nœuds Text descendants doivent être traduits lorsque la page est localisée ou s'il faut les laisser inchangés. Les valeurs auTorisées pour cet attribut sont :...communauté francophone sur MDN Web Docs. L' attribut universel translate...être utilisé par les auteurs web afin d'indiquer correctement...
Learn about the click event, including its type, syntax, and properties, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... HTMLhtml <button>Click</button> JavaScript...UI Events # event-type-click HTML Standard # handler-onclick Browser...
Learn about the HtmlMediaElement.textTracks property, including its type, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....has several <track> children html <video controls poster="/images/sample...Specifications Specification HTML Standard # dom-media-texttracks-dev...
Learn about the HtmlAnchorElement.username property, including its type, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....Specifications Specification HTML Standard # dom-hyperlink-username-dev...
Learn about the HtmlTextAreaElement.value property, including its type, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....Specifications Specification HTML Standard # dom-textarea-value-dev...
Learn this article To know how To get edited document Html markup - body without head tag, content in a raw and base64 form and other using GroupDocs.EdiTor for .NET API....EditableDocument / Get HTML markup in different forms Get HTML markup in different...it to intermediate , and get HTML markup in different forms depending...