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  1. HTMLInputElement: webkitdirectory property - We...

    Learn about the HtmlInputElement.WebkitdirecTory property, including its type, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....reflects the webkitdirectory HTML attribute and indicates that...generated and displayed. HTML html <input type="file" id="file-picker"...
  2. PageSwapEvent - Web APIs | MDN

    Learn about the PageSwapEvent interface, including its construcTor and properties, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....Specifications Specification HTML Standard # the-pageswapevent-interface...
  3. NavigationActivation - Web APIs | MDN

    Learn about the NavigationActivation interface, including its properties, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....Specifications Specification HTML Standard # navigationactivation...
  4. CanvasRenderingContext2D - Web APIs | MDN

    Learn about the CanvasRenderingContext2D interface, including specifications and browser compatibility....first have an HTML <canvas> element to work with: html <canvas id="my-house"...Specifications Specification HTML Standard # 2dcontext Browser...
  5. HTML attribute: pattern - HTML | MDN

    Атрибут pattern определяет регулярное выражение, которому должно соответствовать значение элемента формы. Если ненулевое значение не соответствует ограничениям, установленным в pattern, доступное только для чтения свойство patternMismatch объекта ValidityState будет истинным....русскоязычному сообществу MDN Web Docs. Атрибут pattern определяет...Examples Given the following: html <p> <label >Enter your phone...
  6. Window: languagechange event - Web APIs | MDN

    Learn about the languagechange event, including its type and syntax, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....Specification HTML Standard # event-languagechange HTML Standard #...
  7. Attribut HTML : required - HTML (HyperText Mark...

    L'attribut booléen required, s'il est présent, indique que l'utilisateur doit spécifier une valeur pour l'entrée avant que le formulaire propriétaire puisse être soumis. L'attribut required est pris en charge pour les éléments text, search, url, tel, email, password, date, month, week, time, datetime-local, number, checkbox, radio, les éléments file, ,