All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.signature com.groupdocs.signature.domain com.groupdocs.signature.domain.barcodes c......IDataEncryption interface to encode and decode QR-Code Signature...IDataEncryption interface to encode and decode QR-Code Signature...
Creates new IconImage instance from content, represented as base64-encoded string, and with specified name...content, represented as base64-encoded string, and with specified...System String Content as base64-encoded string. Cannot be null, empty...
Represents one image in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) format with its metadata and additional methods...content, represented as base64-encoded string, and with specified...this raster image as base64-encoded string (Inherited from RasterImageResourceB...
Represents one instance of the unknown HTML resource raster or vector image stylesheet font text resource CSS XML etc....resource in a form of a base64-encoded text string for binary resources...resource in a form of a base64-encoded text string for binary resources...
In implementing type should dispose this instance...valid EMF image, which is encoded with base64 IsValidWmf(Stream)...valid WMF image, which is encoded with base64 Save In implementing...
Μάθετε σχετικά με τη μορφή αρχείου ASC και τα API που μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν και να ανοίξουν αρχεία ASC....επεξεργαστούν με το Adobe Media Encoder . Αυτά δημιουργούνται και αποθηκεύονται...Μορφή αρχείου .swf Adobe Media Encoder Ελληνικά English Deutsch 日本...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.signature com.groupdocs.signature.domain com.groupdocs.signature.domain.barcodes c......IDataEncryption interface to encode and decode QR-Code Signature...IDataEncryption interface to encode and decode QR-Code Signature...
Flag to search on each Document page. By default this value is set to true....IDataEncryption interface to encode and decode QR-Code EncodeType Specifies Encode Type property to search QR-Codes...