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Results 51 - 53 of 53 for

email to xaml

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  1. Document Assembly In Ruby Via REST API

    Generate documents using templates and data sources in Ruby....spreadsheet documents assign email message body attributes and...Formats : HTML, MHTML, MHT, MD, XAML, EPUB, TXT For more information...
  2. Document Assembly In Java Via REST API

    Generate documents using templates and data sources in Java....spreadsheet documents assign email message body attributes and...Formats : HTML, MHTML, MHT, MD, XAML, EPUB, TXT For more information...
  3. Document Assembly In Curl Via REST API

    Generate documents using templates and data sources in cURL....spreadsheet documents assign email message body attributes and...Formats : HTML, MHTML, MHT, MD, XAML, EPUB, TXT For more information...