HTML (HyperText Markup Language — «язык гипертекстовой разметки») — самый базовый строительный блок Веба. Он определяет содержание и структуру веб-контента. Другие технологии, помимо HTML, обычно используются для описания внешнего вида/представления (CSS) или функциональности/поведения (JavaScript) веб-страницы....фокусом в HTML DOM-Атрибут activeElement и DOM-метод hasFocus()...
O Elemento HTML especifica as relações entre o documento atual e um recurso externo. Possíveis usos para este elemento incluem a definição de uma estrutura relacional para navegação. Este elemento é mais usado para vincular as folhas de estilo.... Interface de DOM HTMLLinkElement Atributos Este...desabilitado no HTMLLinkElement DOM object. The use of disabled as...
Using the File API, web content can ask the user to select local files and then read the contents of those files. This selection can be done by either using an HTML element or by drag and drop....selected file using a classical DOM selector: js const selectedFile...FileList object provided by the DOM lists all of the files selected...
Learn about the Window.opener property, including its type, specifications and browser compatibility....Specification HTML Standard # dom-opener-dev Browser compatibility...
Learn about the HTMLInputElement.setSelectionRange() method, including its syntax, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....Specification HTML Standard # dom-textarea/input-setselectionrange-dev...
Learn about the FileList interface, including its properties and methods, specifications and browser compatibility....filelist-section HTML Standard # dom-input-files-dev Browser compatibility...