Java API პოპულარული ანოტაციის ტიპების შესაქმნელად და ანოტაციისთვის DICOM-დან, სურათებიდან, ნახატებიდან და დოკუმენტის ფაილის ფორმატებიდან....DCM გაფართოებას. .DCM არსებობს ორ სხვადასხვა...ფორმატში 1.x და ფორმატში 2.x. DCM ფორმატი 1.x შემდგომში ხელმისაწვდომია...
Net API ku ji DICOM, wêne, xêzkirin û formatên pelên pelgeyê celebên annotasyonên populer biafirîne û şîrove bike....DCM bikar tîne. .DCM di du formatên cuda...ango formata 1.x û formata 2.x. DCM Format 1.x di du guhertoyên normal...
Native & On-premise Java API to help you build Document Viewer & Renderer Apps that work with 170+ file formats for Word Excel PowerPoint OpenOffice & lot more....ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...
Native & On-premise Java API to help you build Document Viewer & Renderer Apps that work with 170+ file formats for Word Excel PowerPoint OpenOffice & lot more....ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...
Native & On-premise Java API to help you build Document Viewer & Renderer Apps that work with 170+ file formats for Word Excel PowerPoint OpenOffice & lot more....ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...
Native & On-premise Java API to help you build Document Viewer & Renderer Apps that work with 170+ file formats for Word Excel PowerPoint OpenOffice & lot more....ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...
Native & On-premise Java API to help you build Document Viewer & Renderer Apps that work with 170+ file formats for Word Excel PowerPoint OpenOffice & lot more....ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...
Native & On-premise Java API to help you build Document Viewer & Renderer Apps that work with 170+ file formats for Word Excel PowerPoint OpenOffice & lot more....ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...ODG/FODG/OTG Medical Imaging: DCM Printer Command Language: PCL...