Asynchronously writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written....cs Source: Stream.cs Source: Stream.cs Asynchronously...Source: Stream.cs Source: Stream.cs Source: Stream.cs Asynchronously...
Creates a Stream that serves to transcode data between an inner Encoding and an outer Encoding, similar to Convert(Encoding, Encoding, Byte[])....cs Source: Encoding.cs Source: Encoding.cs Important...
When overridden in a derived class, returns the Exception that is the root cause of one or more subsequent exceptions....cs Source: Exception.cs Source: Exception.cs Important...using System; namespace NDP_UE_CS { // Define two derived exceptions...
Converts the value of this instance to a String....cs Source: String.cs Source: String.cs Returns this...Source: String.cs Source: String.cs Source: String.cs Returns this...
Produces the set union of two sequences according to a specified key selector function....cs Source: Union.cs Source: Union.cs Produces the...Source: Union.cs Source: Union.cs Source: Union.cs Produces the...
Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a sequence....cs Source: Take.cs Source: Take.cs Returns a specified...Source: Take.cs Source: Take.cs Source: Take.cs Returns a specified...