Overview To produce and manipulate the documents, the machine that GroupDocs.Classification for .NET runs on doesn’t need to have Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Office or OpenOffice installed: GroupDocs.Classification for .NET has their own document processing engine.
The machine that GroupDocs.Classification for .NET runs on doesn’t need to have Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Office or OpenOffice installed: GroupDocs.Classification for .NET has their own document processing engine.
Supported Operating System Windows Microsoft Windows 2.00 Professional (x64) Microsoft Windows 2.00 Server (x64) Microsoft Windows 2.03 Server (x64) Microsoft Windows 2.08 Server (x64) Microsoft Windows 2012 Server (x64) Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server (x64) Microsoft Windows 2016 Server (x64) Microsoft Windows 2019 Server (x64) Microsoft Windows Vista (x64) Microsoft Windows XP (x64) Microsoft Windows 7 (x64) Microsoft Windows 8, 8....NET Core 2.0 or later GroupDocs.Classification...